Employment Insurance

All employers (no matter how small) are required to maintain this coverage for all employees. The cost of employees extends beyond salary. There are a number of insurance plans required by law, including Unemployment Insurance, Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Disability Insurance.

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Finding the Right Person

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Searching for, and selecting, the right candidate does not need to be painful. And the payoff? Well the payoff is excellence. You have the right people on the team, doing the right jobs, and making the place buzz with innovation and growth. But making that happen takes more than knowing the right interview questions to ask.

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Protections for Transgender Employees

New regulations address protections related to gender identity The California Office of Administrative Law just approved new regulations which expand existing protections under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). Specifically the regulations address protections related to gender identity, and are effective July 1, 2017

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Employment Status

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Employment status (also known as classification) is the single greatest area of exposure for employers, large and small. Misclassified workers have resulted in class action suits and multi million dollar pay outs for well know employers (Microsoft, Farmers Insurance, Pacific Bell, Rite Aid Corp). But it is not just the Fortune 500; emerging companies and small businesses are at significant risk as well.

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When does overtime kick in, what about lunches and breaks? Determining when an employee is eligible for overtime in California can be a complex process. However, once you know they are eligible for overtime pay, how do you calculate it, when does it kick in, what about lunches and breaks?

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