No – I’m NOT Having a Bad Hair Day! CA Dress Code Policy

If you are enacting a dress code policy in California, you can’t deny someone a promotion, refuse to hire someone, discipline someone or discriminate in any other manner against someone, just because of their hair style. Braids, locks, Bantu knots, twists, and other similar hair styles and textures, are traits historically associated with race, and therefore cannot be a basis for employment decisions.

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Major CA Upset In Independent Contractor Rules

We’ve all heard of them, companies that have few, or no employees at all – they only use independent contractors. The thinking goes: 1) it’s cheaper by far, no employment taxes, and 2) no employer liability – you can’t get sued for harassment, discrimination etc. Sounds good – so what’s the problem?

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Meet Vicky Brown of Idomeneo Enterprises in West Hollywood

One of the best things about what we do is our client’s get far more HR rigor than they could with a one person, or sometimes a one-half person, HR department. And, they don’t have to sacrifice the connection (dare I say, partnership) that happens with one person focused on your company.

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Ban The Box Laws

Both California’s statewide law, and LA’s Fair Chance Initiative for Hiring Ordinance (FCIHO), are in response to the Ban the Box movement that has been sweeping across the country. The movement seeks to expand employment opportunities for those who may have a prior criminal conviction.

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Salary History – Just Say No

Age old questions when you are sitting across from a candidate. You don’t want to pay more than is required, and the candidate wants to be paid as much salary as possible. Neither side wants to leave money on the table. California has now put some guidelines around your access to a candidate’s salary history – you don’t have any.

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Summer Internships

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Internships are a wonderful thing – they give an inquiring young mind the opportunity to experience a working environment, and they give the company access to fresh talent. But beware – if your internships are unpaid, you are limited in how, and under what circumstances, you use that talent.

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