Remote Worker Pitfalls for Employers - pt. 1

In this episode’s Question of the Day, we focus on the Hidden Pitfalls of having Remote Workers.

Did you know there are 10 hidden pitfalls of remote working – and they can drastically impact you and your business.  Of course, you’ve probably already been thinking about communication and how to keep everyone engaged and productive while they’re remote.  But, in this episode I’m going to give you the first of 10 areas I bet you haven’t thought of yet.  By the way, it’s a good sized list, so we’ll cover the second half in next week’s episode.

In our Happening Around the Nation segment we take a look at:

  • questions among employers around COVID-19 vaccines and the EEOC’s guidance
  • the antitrust dangers associated with no poach agreements between companies

How To Find It In This Episode

[1:06]  Chapter 1 – Happening Around the Nation

[2:59]  Chapter 2 – Remote Worker Pitfalls for Employers – pt 1


Required Read For All Employers: The EEOC Issues Guidance On The Interplay Of Workplace Bias Laws And COVID-19 Vaccinations

DOJ Antitrust Division Brings First Criminal Wage-Fixing Case: Continuing Enforcement on Labor Market Issues


Use the link below to learn more and become an Idomeneo insider. You’ll get info to help you unleash your team’s engagement, protect your people investment, and grow your leadership muscle.  I can’t wait to continue the conversation.

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