Determining when an employee is eligible for overtime in California can be a complex process. However, once you know they are eligible for overtime pay, how do you calculate it, when does it kick in, what about lunches and breaks?
Here is a recap of the California overtime calculation, and rest/break rules:
0 – 3.5 hours of work in a day = no rest period
3.5 – 6 hours of work in a day = one 10 min. rest period
6 – 10 hours of work in a day = two 10 min. rest periods
10 – 14 hours of work in a day = three 10 min. rest periods
14 – 18 hours of work in a day = four 10 min. rest periods
18 – 22 hours of work in a day = five 10 min. rest periods
… a recap of the California overtime calculation, and rest/break rules …
– if employee works noon – 5pm, must have meal period by 4:30pm
– if employee then works 5pm – 10pm, must have 2nd meal period by 9:30 etc.
– if the employee works no longer than 6 hours, a meal period may not be required
The preceding is provided for general informational purposes only, and not intended to constitute legal advice.
The preceding is provided for general informational purposes only, and not intended to constitute legal advice.
310.308.7680 option 1