Your Guide To All Things HR
More Human. More Resources.

Unlimited Vacation – Good or Bad? By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher Well, it’s spring, and that means summer is (literally) right around the corner.  With the

Imputed Income By VICKY BROWN Hi, here’s your HR quickie for today, April 2, 2024. Imputed Income.  What, never heard of it – well, the IRS thinks you should already know. Generally speaking, imputing

But Sam Wants to be an Independent Contractor By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher But Sam wants to be an independent contractor. I’ve heard that, or something

Summer Internships — And The Living Is Easy, Or Is It? By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher It’s that time of year again!  The days are getting

If the Leader Ain’t Happy – Ain’t Nobody Happy By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher Hi entrepreneurs – this episode is going to be a bit different. 

Tinder. Match. Bumble. Work? By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher People are people.  And relationships can build over time.  So, it’s natural that a more personal, or

Are You Getting the Respect You Expect? By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher You know, when I first thought about doing a podcast on this topic, the

No Blame, Just Build – Accountability Magic By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher Accountability It’s a big deal – particularly if you want an engaged team that

Well – What Do You Think? By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher Recently I was listening to a podcast with Ali Webb, one of the founders of

Loans and Advances – Oh My! By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher One of your favorite employees comes to you (well, not your favorite, because, of course,

IN THE NEWS: Build a Better Agency January 22, 2024 A huge ‘thank you’ to Drew McLellan, CEO the of Agency Management Institute for interviewing us on his Podcast: an HR Expert’s Perspective on Hiring

I Only Use Independent Contractors By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher I avoid all that HR stuff.  I don’t have employees.  I only use Independent Contractors. How

Happy New Year – Now What? By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher Well, Happy New Year everybody!  I hope your holiday season was restful, fun filled, and

4 Habits That are Holding You Back (from Being a Great Leader) By VICKY BROWN Listen to this episode on Amazon | Apple | Pandora | Stitcher This is the year – you’re gonna do it

CA Workplace Violence Prevention Plan By VICKY BROWN Hi, here’s your HR quickie for today, December 29, 2023. This one doesn’t come fully on board until July 1st , 2024– but it’s a big